torsdag 30 augusti 2007


Eftersom min bokrecension tydligen verkade inspirera, kommer här en uppföljning:
1. Boken: King of Shadows, skriven av Susan Cooper. En ungdomsroman som handlar om en pojke som åker tillbaka i tiden till Shakespeares tid och där hittar den fadersfigur han saknar i sin egen tid... tills han åker tillbaka framåt. Typ.
2. Uppgiften: For this project, you will be creating a "portrait" that conveys something of your sense about the main issues at work in the novel. Begin by creating a border for the portrait, using words and/or pictures that convey something of the importance or significance of the novel. Inside this border, draw a graphic representation of what you deem to be the "big idea" that you see at work in the novel. Somewhere within this "portrait" describe the theme you are portraying in your own words. Be sure, also, to include at least one quotation from the novel that illustrates this main idea in words taken directly from the text.
3. Och resultatet (som inte följer instruktionerna så värst).

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