söndag 4 januari 2009

årskrönika 2008, the facebook edition.

Man brukar ju börja det nya året med att se tillbaka på det gamla och summera vad man gjort under året, vad man lärt sig och på vilka sätt man har blivit en ny, mycket bättre människa. Men orka minnas vad man har gjort, så därför stjäl jag idén från nån annan blogg (till den bättre mänskligheten hör tydligen inte bättre källhänvisningar) och presenterar mitt år som den fejsbukknörd jag är: genom utvalda statusar från året. Såhär spenderade jag alltså 2008:


1/9 Emma thinks a month has gone by insanely quickly.

1/9 Emma is struggling to find a place for icebears and martallar before the 15th.

1/10 Emma has a visa, a train ticket and a bag of turkish pepper - pretty much all set for the trip back, in other words!


2/1 Emma thoroughly enjoys feeding Americans Finnish candy.

2/4 Emma just had something of an epiphany regarding "football".

2/6 Emma thinks celebrating runebergsdagen and fastlagstisdagen without the cakes does not work at all.

2/17 Emma is utterly confused about the weird accents in the dubbed Pippi Longstocking, but very happy about the company.


3/12 Emma har inlett flipflopsäsongen.

3/16 Emma thinks the Swedish people / jury is ridiculously reactionary. fel låt vann! :P.

3/17 Emma is off to Texas first thing in the morning.


4/7 Emma is having bipolar homesickness/home[sic]ness.

4/23 Emma earlier said to her mother: "Idag är det ganska kallt, det är bara 19 grader."


5/6 Emma has a cow with her old poetry teacher. We had a plan!

5/14 Emma never thought she'd use "had to play on" and "the steinway" in the same sentence... but there's a first for everything, i guess.

5/17 Emma thinks there should be a legal limit to how many goodbyes a person has to take in a day.

5/25 Emma is back in the land of water, woods and good chocolate. Oh, and the wrongest song did not win.


6/4 Emma is off to Helsinki two Saturdays in a row for American visits! Yay :).

6/19 Emma has a four-day weekend ahead of her: sleep! sea! sleep! sauna! sleep!

6/22 Emma thinks the best thing about today's game is both teams are good enough not to feel like ridiculous winners.

6/27 Emma hereby invites anyone for coffee in the Great Wall of China, where she lives from 16.7 on. Kinda.

6/30 Emma thinks secrets are way overrated, especially if they concern diamond rings.


7/6 Emma has spent her first night in the new apartment!

7/9 Emma left and does not know how to come back: kroniskt söndagkvällsförvriden.

7/16 Emma has a new phone! I guess it's true what they say, in Kokkola, they get things done, in Jeppis, they do not.


8/2 Emma is on the road with Ion Plunt!

8/4 Emma 's apartment will be red, yellow, green, grey, brown and blue... and a little bit orange.

8/15 Emma has joined the dark side again... or is there a red one?

8/30 Emma suffers from the most ridiculous injury known to mankind: handache from crocheting too much. Seriously.


9/9 Emma is trying to find her inner soprano.

9/16 Emma in the renaissance version would be hanged, cut in four pieces and burned.

9/17 Emma finds Finnish as foreign as Catalán.


10/6 Emma is cheating on the pesto with the tsatsiki.

10/12 Emma needs to meet someone, since she is allergic to fur and therefore cannot become a catlady. Or are there fishladies?

10/15 Emma is going fallbreaking to Åbo & Stockholm first thing in the morning.

10/31 Emma hears it's snowing at home... now if that isn't freaky enough for halloween I don't know what is.


11/4 Emma is setting her hopes to the American people. Come on, vote for change!

11/5 Emma is quite speechless. Congratulations, and good luck! Welll done, people.

11/14 Emma is three months away from Kansas.

11/22 Emma got real polkagrisar at the real julmarknad!

11/27 Emma now knows the answer to the question she will ask herself when she goes to bed at 8 PM.


12/4 Emma welcomes everyone to Vasa church tonight 7 pm for a night filled of harmonious angelic singing... well, sound at least.

12/8 Emma will go home to an overcrowded house this Christmas... and I can't wait! Yay!

12/14 Emma went to the woods to cut down a Christmas tree with her dad today; and is 2 months away from Emporia.

12/27 Emma is off to see the funniest reindeers in Finland tomorrow.

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